Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan


Base Information
NPIAS: 02-0016
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City: ANCHORAGE
DOT&PF Region: Central
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Active
Filter +/-
Federal Fiscal Year (FFY):
Purpose Definition
CA Capacity
EN Environment
OT Other
PL Planning
RC Reconstruction
RE Rehabilitate
SA Safety/Security
SB State Block Grant Program
SE Security Enhancements
SP Statutory Emphasis Programs
ST Standards
Component Definition
RW Runway Projects
TW Taxiway Projects
AP Apron Projects
TE Terminal Projects
BD Building Projects (other than terminals)
GT Ground Transportation Projects
EQ Equipment, Security, and Fencing
OT Other Projects
LA Land Acquisition (other than noise land)
NA New Airport Projects
PL Planning Projects
SB Seaplane Base Projects
HE Heliport/Helipad Projects
VT Vertiport Projects
HO Noise Projects (other than planning)
PB Noise Mitigation Measures for Public Buildings
Type Definition
60 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences outside 65 DNL
65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65 - 69 DNL
70 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 70 - 74 DNL
75 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 75 DNL
AC Access
AQ Acquire Existing Airport
CO Construct
DI Deicing
DV Development
ES Environment Sustainable
EX Extend
FF Fuel Farm
FR Groove Runway
IM Improve
Type Definition
IN Install Instruments
LI Lighting
MA Master Planning
ME Metropolitan System Plan
MS Miscellaneous
MT Environmental Mitigation
NO Noise
OB Obstructions
PA Parking
PM People Mover
PR On-Airport Energy Production
RF Rescue & Fire Fighting
RL Rail
SE Security Enhancements
Type Definition
SF Safety Area
SG Guidance Signs
SN Snow Removal
SR Sensors
ST State System Plan
SV Service Road
SZ Acquire land/easement for approaches
VI Vertical/Visual Guidance System
VT Conduct Vertiport Plan
WH Wildlife Hazard Assessments
WR Construct Wash Rack
WX Install Weather Reporting Equipment
ZE Zero Emissions Vehicle/Infrastructure
Grant Agreement Date:
Grant Summary Statistics
Total Grants: 229
Total Number of Grant Work Codes: 307 Total Grants: $1,073,904,559.00
Total Number of Open Grant Work Codes: 66 Total Open Grants: $316,682,649.00
Total Number of Closed Grant Work Codes: 241 Total Closed Grants: $757,221,910.00
AIP Grant Listing
The following listing displays all grants since the initiation of the Airport Improvement Program in 1982, most recent to oldest, with the exception of the current federal fiscal year. Grant Agreement Date refers to the date the grant was initiated, Closeout Submitted to FAA notes the date DOT&PF staff submitted a closeout package for review, and Grant Close Date is the official grant closure date, as reported by the FAA. Total cost below includes all AIP funding types (entitlement, discretionary, etc.).
Additional details are exportable into Excel or by going to Reports >> AIP Grants.
FFY    Grant Number    

Each Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant has a distinct number from the beginning of the program in 1982 to present day. All grants are for the planning and development of public-use airports included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS).

3-02-0000-024-2018 FAA Region (Alaskan)

3-02-0000-024-2018 Airport NPIAS number, assigned to all NPIAS airports starting with 0001 for Adak. 0200 is used for various multi-airport grants (such as pavement marking, various surface maintenance, etc.) and 0000 is used for State System Grants such as the statewide system planning grant.

3-02-0000-024-2018 Grant Sequence Number (this is the 24th grant at this facility)

3-02-0000-024-2018 Federal Fiscal Year Grant Awarded

Work Code    

FAA defines project work codes as a 6-character alpha identifier consisting of three 2-character elements that express purpose, component and type, represents specific airport development and is used in the national priority system equation to produce a numerical rating. Each 2-character alpha identifier may be assigned a value ranging from 0 to 10.

(1) The purpose (P) identifier signifies the underlying objective of an airport development project (e.g., reconstruct, planning, safety). There are approximately 13 purpose identifiers.

(2) The component (C) identifier signifies the physical component (e.g., runway, airfield, planning), for which the development is intended. There are approximately 31 component identifiers.

(3) The type (T) identifier signifies the actual work being done (e.g., expand/extend, construct, update). There are approximately 61 type identifiers.

More information is available in the FAA Order 5090.5, Formulation of the NPIAS and ACIP.

Project DescriptionGrant Agreement DateCloseout Submitted to FAAGrant Close DateTotal
2024 3-02-0016-228-2024 ST TE IM Improve/Modify/Rehabilitate Terminal Building 9/12/2024 $8,519,834
2024 3-02-0016-229-2024 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 7/31/2024 $682,891
2024 3-02-0016-230-2024 ST AF DR Construct Airport Drainage/Erosion Control 8/7/2024 $1,601,770
2024 3-02-0016-231-2024 RC EQ RF Reconstruct Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle 8/8/2024 $2,427,897
2024 3-02-0016-232-2024 RE TL IM Rehabilitate Taxilane 9/12/2024 $3,804,942
2024 3-02-0016-232-2024 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/12/2024 $7,406,659
2024 3-02-0016-232-2024 RC TW LI Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting 9/12/2024 $3,534,051
2024 3-02-0016-232-2024 RC FE SE Reconstruct Perimeter Security Fencing 9/12/2024 $526,560
2024 3-02-0016-233-2024 RC AF DR Reconstruct Airport Drainage/Erosion Control 9/10/2024 $2,487,189
2024 3-02-0016-234-2024 RC AP IM Reconstruct Apron 9/12/2024 $18,078,046
2024 3-02-0016-234-2024 RC TL IM Reconstruct Taxilane 9/12/2024 $4,877,613
2024 3-02-0016-234-2024 RC TW LI Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting 9/12/2024 $695,761
2024 3-02-0016-235-2024 RC TE IN Reconstruct Passenger Boarding Bridges 9/9/2024 $1,848,000
2024 3-02-0016-236-2024 EN PL NO Develop Noise Compatibility Plan 9/9/2024 $2,194,000
2023 3-02-0016-219-2023 ST TE IM Improve/Modify/Rehabilitate Terminal Building 12/6/2022 $1,630,164
2023 3-02-0016-220-2023 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 6/30/2023 $2,347,989
2023 3-02-0016-221-2023 PL MA UP Update Airport Master Plan or Study 6/19/2023 $1,258,932
2023 3-02-0016-222-2023 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 9/7/2023 $3,850,962
2023 3-02-0016-223-2023 ST TW EX Extend Taxiway 8/8/2023 $19,867,717
2023 3-02-0016-223-2023 ST TW IM Remove Taxiway 8/8/2023 $530,948
2023 3-02-0016-223-2023 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway 8/8/2023 $19,010,003
2023 3-02-0016-223-2023 ST TW LI Install Taxiway Lighting 8/8/2023 $447,576
2023 3-02-0016-225-2023 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 7/31/2023 $2,797,574
2023 3-02-0016-226-2023 BL TE EE Terminal (PFC only: Gates and Related Areas) 9/12/2023 $1,073,322
2023 3-02-0016-227-2023 ST TW EX Extend Taxiway 9/8/2023 $8,833,532
2023 3-02-0016-227-2023 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway 9/8/2023 $7,200,000
2022 3-02-0016-212-2022 CV RG GN General ARPA 12/14/2021 $42,128,612
2022 3-02-0016-213-2022 CV RG SC Small Concessions 12/30/2021 $1,859,950
2022 3-02-0016-213-2022 CV RG LC Large Concessions 12/30/2021 $464,988
2022 3-02-0016-214-2022 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 8/8/2022 $3,926,105
2022 3-02-0016-215-2022 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 6/2/2022 $3,152,552
2022 3-02-0016-216-2022 RC TL IM Reconstruct Taxilane 6/7/2022 $2,288,596
2022 3-02-0016-217-2022 RC TL IM Reconstruct Taxilane 5/11/2022 $16,510,938
2021 3-02-0016-200-2021 RE TL IM Rehabilitate Taxilane 9/13/2021 $4,855,010
2021 3-02-0016-200-2021 ST AF DR Improve Airport Drainage/Erosion Control 9/13/2021 $1,281,906
2021 3-02-0016-203-2021 RE RW LI Rehabilitate Runway Lighting 5/14/2021 $1,865,637
2021 3-02-0016-204-2021 RS AP IM Seal Apron Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 5/14/2021 $89,749
2021 3-02-0016-204-2021 RS TL IM Seal Taxilane Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 5/14/2021 $225,330
2021 3-02-0016-204-2021 RS TW IM Seal Taxiway Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 5/14/2021 $209,669
2021 3-02-0016-205-2021 RE TW LI Rehabilitate Taxiway Lighting 9/10/2021 $7,087,099
2021 3-02-0016-205-2021 RE TL IM Rehabilitate Taxilane 9/10/2021 $3,788,586
2021 3-02-0016-205-2021 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/10/2021 $6,498,448
2021 3-02-0016-205-2021 RS TW IM Seal Taxiway Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 9/10/2021 $1,948,047
2021 3-02-0016-206-2021 RE AR IM Rehabilitate Access Road 9/10/2021 $10,457,122
2021 3-02-0016-207-2021 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 9/15/2021 $4,110,581
2021 3-02-0016-208-2021 ST TE IM Improve/Modify/Rehabilitate Terminal Building 5/12/2021 $9,077,025
2021 3-02-0016-211-2021 PL MA UP Update Airport Master Plan or Study 9/21/2021 $2,823,327
2021 3-02-0016-210-2021 CV CR CN CRRSA Act Concessions 5/6/2021 $581,234
2021 3-02-0016-209-2021 CV CR GN CRRSA Act Funds 5/3/2021 $12,872,097
2020 3-02-0016-197-2020 RS TL IM Seal Taxilane Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 7/14/2020 $396,070
2020 3-02-0016-197-2020 RS TW IM Seal Taxiway Pavement Surface/Pavement Joints 7/14/2020 $172,010
2020 3-02-0016-202-2020 RC EQ SE Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing required by 49 CFR 1542 7/14/2020 $110,739
2020 3-02-0016-202-2020 RC EQ SE Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing required by 49 CFR 1542 7/14/2020 $246,483
2020 3-02-0016-202-2020 ST RW OB Obstruction Marking/Lighting/Removal [Non-Hazard] 7/14/2020 $512,639
2020 3-02-0016-199-2020 RC TW IM Reconstruct Taxiway 5/11/2020 $2,029,475
2020 3-02-0016-199-2020 RC TW IM Reconstruct Taxiway 5/11/2020 $250,000
2020 3-02-0016-197-2020 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 7/14/2020 $394,920
2020 3-02-0016-201-2020 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/14/2020 $3,328,676
2020 3-02-0016-198-2020 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 5/7/2020 10/19/2021 2/14/2022 $2,987,349
2020 3-02-0016-202-2020 SA RW SF Construct/Extend/Improve Safety Area 7/14/2020 $1,746,659
2020 3-02-0016-202-2020 ST OT IM Improve Airport Drainage 7/14/2020 $1,059,142
2020 3-02-0016-196-2020 ST TE IM Improve/Modify/Rehabilitate Terminal Building 7/16/2020 $2,217,956
2019 3-02-0016-195-2019 ST OT LI Install Apron Flood Lighting Install Lead-in Lights to RON Gate Positions R12-R14 9/23/2019 $335,243
2019 3-02-0016-194-2019 RC EQ SE Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing required by 49 CFR 1542 Reconstruct Gate N10 Access Control 8/22/2019 $886,242
2019 3-02-0016-195-2019 RC TW IM Reconstruct Taxiway Reconstruct Taxiway F 9/23/2019 $6,919,924
2019 3-02-0016-195-2019 RC TW IM Reconstruct Taxiway Reconstruct Taxiway F Lighting 9/23/2019 $833,720
2019 3-02-0016-193-2019 RC RW IM Reconstruct Runway 15/33 Reconstruct Runway 15/33 Phase 3 6/25/2019 $29,606,211
2018 3-02-0016-187-2018 RC EQ SE Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing required by 49 CFR 1542 Reconstruct Security Fencing - East End Phase 1 8/16/2018 9/8/2020 $334,122
2018 3-02-0016-188-2018 RC RW IM Reconstruct Runway 15/33 Reconstruct Runway 15/33 Phase 2 9/24/2018 5/27/2021 2/14/2022 $27,265,755
2018 3-02-0016-190-2018 ST TE IM Rehabilitate Terminal Building This grant will provide funds to replace two escalators in the terminal. The escalators have reached the end of their use lives. This grant funds a second phase to the escalators 8/28/2018 5/27/2021 1/3/2022 $312,196
2018 3-02-0016-185-2018 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Widen Taxiway R (North Section) safety area to meet ADG VI and TDG 7 design standards 9/6/2018 6/8/2022 7/29/2022 $8,000,000
2018 3-02-0016-189-2018 ST OT IM Improve Airport Miscellaneous Improvements Rehabilitate Airfield Lighting Vault and Replace Regulators 7/2/2018 3/16/2020 2/1/2021 $205,343
2018 3-02-0016-186-2018 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Snow Removal Equipment 7/2/2018 3/16/2020 4/15/2021 $3,361,227
2018 3-02-0016-185-2018 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Phase 2; Widen TW R 9/6/2018 6/8/2022 7/29/2022 $9,277,485
2018 3-02-0016-192-2018 ST EQ MS Acquire Equipment Acquire and Install 27 squitters 9/19/2018 3/4/2021 12/15/2021 $169,251
2017 3-02-0016-183-2017 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire Snow Removal Equipment(SRE) 9/15/2017 11/9/2018 $2,474,330
2017 3-02-0016-180-2017 ST TE IM Rehabilitate Terminal Building Escalator replacement 9/15/2017 5/27/2021 11/16/2021 $1,053,120
2017 3-02-0016-181-2017 RC TW IM Reconstruct Taxiway Reconstruct t/w Y. PCI ranges from 29-40 (2015 inspection) 7/25/2017 4/19/2021 11/18/2021 $17,129,509
2017 3-02-0016-182-2017 RC AP IM Reconstruct Apron Reconstruct Hardstands Concourse B (B1,B3,B5) PCI ranges from 20-59 8/16/2017 7/16/2021 12/22/2021 $8,213,161
2017 3-02-0016-181-2017 RC TW LI Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting Replace t/w Y lighting (connected with t/w Y reconstruction) 7/25/2017 4/19/2021 11/18/2021 $5,000,000
2017 3-02-0016-184-2017 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 15/33 rehabilitate runway 15/33 Ph1 (ATO reimbursable, survey, design). PCI ranges from 40 to 84 9/21/2017 5/27/2021 11/30/2021 $4,813,484
2016 3-02-0016-178-2016 SA EQ SE Security Enhancements Upgrade CCTV System 9/12/2016 5/1/2019 $2,288,578
2016 3-02-0016-177-2016 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab Taxiway R and TSA (south end K-P) 9/6/2016 8/12/2020 4/16/2021 $14,634,486
2016 3-02-0016-177-2016 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab Taxiway T and TSA 9/6/2016 8/12/2020 4/16/2021 $7,498,416
2016 3-02-0016-176-2016 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Taxiway Y safety widening LOI2 5/24/2016 5/22/2020 11/23/2020 $600,000
2016 3-02-0016-179-2016 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Snow Removal Equipment 9/19/2016 4/11/2018 $2,073,124
2016 3-02-0016-176-2016 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Widen Taxiway K Safety Area LOI2 5/24/2016 5/22/2020 11/23/2020 $400,000
2015 3-02-0016-175-2015 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Snow Removal Equipment 9/21/2015 5/4/2018 $3,211,423
2015 3-02-0016-174-2015 SA EQ RF Acquire Safety and/or Security Equipment Security Fencing Replacement 8/31/2015 5/13/2020 3/15/2021 $476,643
2015 3-02-0016-173-2015 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Widen Taxiway K Safety Area 6/26/2015 5/22/2020 11/23/2020 $470,000
2015 3-02-0016-173-2015 ST TW IM Widen Taxiway Widen Taxiway Y Safety Area-LOI-2 6/26/2015 5/22/2020 11/23/2020 $934,160
2015 3-02-0016-173-2015 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements 6/26/2015 5/22/2020 11/23/2020 $2,595,840
2015 3-02-0016-172-2015 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 07L/25R Runway 7L Rehab, Phase 2 7/23/2015 5/20/2020 1/25/2021 $26,348,409
2014 3-02-0016-171-2014 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 07L/25R Runway 7L Rehab(need to coordinate on funding levels each year) 9/22/2014 5/20/2020 1/19/2021 $23,217,365
2014 3-02-0016-166-2014 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements 7/8/2014 4/10/2017 $5,911,930
2014 3-02-0016-169-2014 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehabilitate Taxiway M and E2 (Phase2) 6/18/2014 12/4/2018 $853,529
2014 3-02-0016-170-2014 PL PL MA Update Airport Master Plan Study phase 2 9/17/2014 4/11/2017 $926,108
2014 3-02-0016-167-2014 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) 9/17/2014 10/27/2017 $3,346,327
2013 3-02-0016-161-2013 OT GT SV Construct Service Road ARFF access road 9/3/2013 2/27/2019 $1,728,495
2013 3-02-0016-164-2013 ST TE IM Rehabilitate Terminal Building 8/22/2013 4/26/2016 $1,618,720
2013 3-02-0016-162-2013 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Taxiway Lima 9/13/2013 2/6/2019 $6,805,217
2013 3-02-0016-165-2013 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Taxiway Mike, Echo2 9/24/2013 12/21/2018 $6,681,855
2013 3-02-0016-160-2013 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements 7/23/2013 4/6/2017 $8,250,837
2013 3-02-0016-163-2013 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 12), 90 homes (est.) 9/4/2013 11/14/2017 $7,228,383
2012 3-02-0016-155-2012 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 11), 77 homes (act.) 9/10/2012 6/2/2015 $6,029,993
2012 3-02-0016-157-2012 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements 5/14/2012 2/27/2017 $7,429,050
2012 3-02-0016-156-2012 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Taxiway E (RE TW IM) Rehabilitate Apron RON 2 9/20/2012 11/21/2016 $8,688,378
2012 3-02-0016-158-2012 PL PL MA Update Airport Master Plan Study Master Plan Update, phase 1 9/12/2012 4/13/2017 $3,623,438
2012 3-02-0016-152-2012 EN OT MT Environmental Mitigation East Airpark Storm Drain Extension 8/15/2012 5/24/2017 $8,421,814
2012 3-02-0016-159-2012 EN PL NO Conduct Noise Compatibility Plan Study Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study Phase 2 9/4/2012 1/13/2017 $795,953
2012 3-02-0016-150-2012 CA AP CO Construct Apron LOI #98-1 (grant 10) 5/17/2012 1/10/2018 $2,462,609
2012 3-02-0016-154-2012 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) 9/6/2012 11/5/2014 $2,860,164
2012 3-02-0016-153-2012 CA RW EX Extend Runway 07R/25L Extend 7R, Phase 5 8/7/2012 4/6/2017 $1,305,661
2011 3-02-0016-140-2011 CA RW EX Extend Runway 07R/25L Extend 7R, Phase 2 (Part A) 3/15/2011 4/10/2017 $14,184,581
2011 3-02-0016-145-2011 CA RW EX Extend Runway 07R/25L Extend 7R, Phase 3 (Part B) 6/7/2011 3/21/2017 $5,341,612
2011 3-02-0016-148-2011 CA RW EX Extend Runway 07R/25L Extend 7R, Phase 4 (Part E) 9/15/2011 4/6/2017 $6,892,607
2011 3-02-0016-143-2011 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 8 (including badging & communications center) 6/10/2011 12/30/2015 $320,848
2011 3-02-0016-149-2011 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire SRE, Phase 2 (Part F) 9/28/2011 4/5/2013 $601,960
2011 3-02-0016-147-2011 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire Snow Removal Equipment (SRE), Phase 1 (Part D) 9/15/2011 3/25/2013 $1,421,016
2011 3-02-0016-141-2011 CA AP CO Construct Apron LOI #98-1 (grant 9): Conc A Apron Recon 3/15/2011 10/21/2016 $4,718,750
2011 3-02-0016-144-2011 SA EQ SE Security Enhancements Replace Gate Echo 21 8/29/2011 7/22/2014 $495,102
2011 3-02-0016-142-2011 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L LOI #2-01 DG VI Improvements 3/15/2011 7/22/2014 $7,429,050
2011 3-02-0016-146-2011 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 10), 50 homes (est.) 9/15/2011 12/19/2014 $2,369,482
2010 3-02-0016-127-2010 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 9), 60 homes (act.) 3/30/2010 2/26/2013 $1,312,500
2010 3-02-0016-130-2010 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 07R/25L Rehabilitate Runway 7R/25L Embankment and Drainage System 3/17/2010 7/9/2015 $9,886,444
2010 3-02-0016-129-2010 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements, Part A 3/17/2010 7/29/2014 $12,528,850
2010 3-02-0016-139-2010 ST RW IM Widen Runway 07R/25L Design Group VI Improvements, Part B 8/10/2010 7/22/2014 $5,444,004
2010 3-02-0016-131-2010 SA EQ SE Security Enhancements Provide and Install EOC/AOC Security Equipment (C) 7/27/2010 3/24/2015 $2,445,606
2010 3-02-0016-137-2010 EN PL NO Conduct Noise Compatibility Plan Study Part 150 Noise Study, Phase 1(part D/E) 9/16/2010 8/8/2014 $667,808
2010 3-02-0016-132-2010 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire SRE Phase 2 (part C) 6/22/2010 3/7/2013 $3,164,937
2010 3-02-0016-128-2010 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) Phase 1 3/30/2010 10/18/2011 $992,867
2010 3-02-0016-125-2010 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF Truck 3/16/2010 1/28/2013 $1,140,088
2010 3-02-0016-134-2010 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 6 (FY10 Phase A) 3/10/2010 12/28/2015 $1,795,130
2010 3-02-0016-138-2010 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 7 (FY10 Phase B) 9/14/2010 12/28/2015 $778,580
2010 3-02-0016-133-2010 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Emergency Operations Command Center (EOC) 7/27/2010 3/24/2015 $1,110,942
2010 3-02-0016-136-2010 CA RW EX Extend Runway 07R/25L extend 7R, Phase 1 9/23/2010 11/10/2014 $2,767,912
2009 3-02-0016-118-2009 SA BD EX Improve Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Building ARFF expansion, Phase 1 (FY09 Part A) 2/13/2009 4/13/2017 $2,463,634
2009 3-02-0016-122-2009 SA BD EX Improve Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Building ARFF expansion, Phase 2 (FY09 Phase B) 7/2/2009 7/14/2014 $1,827,473
2009 3-02-0016-116-2009 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 4 (FY09 Phase A) 2/13/2009 4/15/2010 $1,139,675
2009 3-02-0016-123-2009 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 5 (FY09 Phase B) 7/2/2009 4/15/2010 $2,371,112
2009 3-02-0016-120-2009 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF Truck 2/13/2009 2/27/2012 $1,143,910
2009 3-02-0016-124-2009 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle ARFF Rapid Intervention Vehicle 8/6/2009 3/14/2012 $262,640
2009 3-02-0016-119-2009 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Acquire SRE 2/23/2009 7/12/2011 $4,444,798
2009 3-02-0016-117-2009 PL PL ST Conduct State System Plan Study 8/11/2009 7/22/2014 $937,453
2009 3-02-0016-126-2009 PL PL MS Update Miscellaneous Study Kulis Planning Grant - Air Guard Base Closure/Airport Sponsor Takeover 9/2/2009 3/7/2013 $453,067
2009 3-02-0016-114-2009 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab. t/w G & E phase 4 2/13/2009 7/18/2014 $2,301,238
2009 3-02-0016-110-2009 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway LOI #2-01 [grant 6] 2/13/2009 7/29/2014 $1,347,279
2009 3-02-0016-113-2009 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron RON 12-14 5/28/2009 8/8/2014 $10,025,498
2009 3-02-0016-121-2009 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron Gate N8 Apron Rehabilitation (ARRA funded) 8/18/2009 4/11/2012 $0
2009 3-02-0016-115-2009 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 8), 55 homes (est.) 2/13/2009 4/4/2013 $2,964,113
2008 3-02-0016-101-2008 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 7), 75 homes (est.) 5/8/2008 4/11/2012 $2,411,970
2008 3-02-0016-102-2008 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway LOI no. 2-01 payment 5; Rehabilitate Taxiway Kilo 4/30/2008 7/22/2014 $8,436,000
2008 3-02-0016-104-2008 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab. t/w G & E 5/8/2008 7/16/2014 $5,852,500
2008 3-02-0016-109-2008 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab. t/w G & E phase 2 6/17/2008 7/16/2014 $1,185,637
2008 3-02-0016-111-2008 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Rehab. t/w G & E phase 3 8/25/2008 7/16/2014 $3,687,169
2008 3-02-0016-106-2008 PL PL MA Update Airport Master Plan Study MP update phase 2 6/12/2008 6/29/2011 $1,204,991
2008 3-02-0016-105-2008 SA EQ SE Security Enhancements replace access controls 5/8/2008 2/26/2014 $10,829,022
2008 3-02-0016-107-2008 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 3 runway snow plows 5/8/2008 7/1/2011 $1,000,000
2008 3-02-0016-108-2008 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF vehicle 4 5/8/2008 1/7/2013 $1,358,899
2008 3-02-0016-103-2008 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 2 5/8/2008 4/15/2010 $2,494,098
2008 3-02-0016-112-2008 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building Phase 3 8/20/2008 4/15/2010 $869,008
2007 3-02-0016-097-2007 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF vehicle 3 6/20/2007 3/10/2010 $1,100,476
2007 3-02-0016-100-2007 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment acquire SRE 8/13/2007 3/10/2010 $220,941
2007 3-02-0016-098-2007 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 6), 150 homes (est.) 4/26/2007 4/11/2012 $4,474,230
2007 3-02-0016-099-2007 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron LOI #98-1 [grant 9]; Concourse A apron 6/20/2007 12/20/2012 $1,380,000
2007 3-02-0016-096-2007 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron RON Parking 7-11 4/26/2007 1/28/2013 $17,185,789
2006 3-02-0016-091-2006 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 07R/25L LOI #2-01 [grant 4]; Reconstruct rwy to DG6 [pymt 1] 5/17/2006 1/5/2012 $2,000,000
2006 3-02-0016-094-2006 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron Rehab gates N4 & N6 7/14/2006 3/7/2012 $1,417,716
2006 3-02-0016-094-2006 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron Rehab gates N4 & N6 (MY phase 2) 7/14/2006 3/7/2012 $1,708,881
2006 3-02-0016-093-2006 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway (DG6) 6/16/2006 7/12/2011 $2,870,863
2006 3-02-0016-091-2006 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway LOI #2-01 [grant 4]; DG 6 twy K(J-Y) [pymt 2] 5/17/2006 1/5/2012 $7,466,000
2006 3-02-0016-093-2006 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Reconstruct K from C-A (non-LOI), phase 2 6/16/2006 7/12/2011 $1,807,115
2006 3-02-0016-095-2006 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF vehicle 2 8/3/2006 7/20/2010 $1,044,386
2006 3-02-0016-092-2006 PL PL MA Conduct Airport Master Plan Study phase 1 8/3/2006 12/3/2010 $1,413,363
2006 3-02-0016-090-2006 CA AP CO Construct Apron LOI #98-1 (grant 8): Postmark RRA (pymt 2) 5/17/2006 4/13/2010 $4,718,750
2005 3-02-0016-085-2005 ST TW CO Construct Taxiway 6/13/2005 9/18/2009 $7,097,812
2005 3-02-0016-082-2005 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway LOI #2-01(grant 3): Construct Twy Y (pvmt 3) 4/27/2005 1/29/2008 $2,955,125
2005 3-02-0016-086-2005 CA AP CO Construct Apron LOI #98-1 (grant 7): Postmark RRA (pymt 1) 6/13/2005 4/12/2010 $4,918,750
2005 3-02-0016-084-2005 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle Acquire ARFF Vehicle 1 8/18/2005 7/20/2010 $1,247,068
2005 3-02-0016-088-2005 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building (Phase 1 [MYr 1]) 8/30/2005 4/15/2010 $3,358,619
2005 3-02-0016-088-2005 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building (Phase 1 [MYr 2]) 8/30/2005 4/15/2010 $2,989,372
2005 3-02-0016-088-2005 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building (Phase 1 [MYr 3]) 8/30/2005 4/15/2010 $3,403,336
2005 3-02-0016-087-2005 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Construct run-up pad (twy K) 8/4/2005 3/10/2010 $1,419,648
2005 3-02-0016-082-2005 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway LOI #2-01 [grant 3]; DG6 Upgrade Twy K(J - Y) [pymt1] 4/27/2005 1/29/2008 $4,487,875
2005 3-02-0016-089-2005 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Reconstruct K from C-A (non-LOI), phase 1 8/30/2005 4/12/2010 $9,425,476
2005 3-02-0016-089-2005 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway Reconstruct K from C-A (non-LOI), phase 1; MY funds 8/30/2005 4/12/2010 $2,809,524
2005 3-02-0016-083-2005 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL RSIP (phase 5), 150 homes (est.) 5/12/2005 4/12/2010 $5,500,000
2004 3-02-0016-077-2004 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 4/6/2004 9/19/2008 $750,000
2004 3-02-0016-077-2004 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6L-24R 4/6/2004 9/19/2008 $1,518,750
2004 3-02-0016-080-2004 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 5/27/2004 9/23/2008 $17,034,249
2004 3-02-0016-078-2004 ST RW IM Widen Runway 6R / 24L 4/7/2004 1/29/2008 $3,207,000
2004 3-02-0016-079-2004 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL 5/27/2004 8/18/2008 $7,000,000
2004 3-02-0016-078-2004 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway 4/7/2004 1/29/2008 $3,207,000
2004 3-02-0016-077-2004 CA AP EX Expand Apron 4/6/2004 9/19/2008 $750,000
2004 3-02-0016-077-2004 CA AP CO Construct Apron 4/6/2004 9/19/2008 $2,000,000
2004 3-02-0016-081-2004 ST BD SN Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building Wing 7/1/2004 9/19/2008 $5,343,750
2003 3-02-0016-073-2003 CA AP CO Construct Apron (Concourse C) 7/7/2003 9/17/2007 $2,000,000
2003 3-02-0016-074-2003 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway Y Phase 3 (LOI-2, Payment 1) 7/10/2003 7/27/2007 $1,387,000
2003 3-02-0016-072-2003 SA RW SF Improve Runway Safety Area 14/32 8/4/2003 7/27/2007 $191,447
2003 3-02-0016-072-2003 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 14/32 8/4/2003 7/27/2007 $11,042,852
2003 3-02-0016-073-2003 CA AP EX Expand Apron 7/7/2003 9/17/2007 $750,000
2003 3-02-0016-075-2003 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL 8/4/2003 9/17/2007 $2,350,000
2003 3-02-0016-076-2003 SA EQ SE Security Enhancements 8/22/2003 9/12/2007 $6,300,079
2003 3-02-0016-073-2003 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6L-24R 7/7/2003 9/17/2007 $1,518,750
2003 3-02-0016-073-2003 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 7/7/2003 9/17/2007 $750,000
2002 3-02-0016-069-2002 RE RW LI Rehabilitate Runway Lighting 9/25/2002 8/18/2006 $3,364,331
2002 3-02-0016-065-2002 SE SE SE Security Enhancements 6/18/2002 2/14/2005 $448,473
2002 3-02-0016-067-2002 SE SE SE Security Enhancements 9/19/2002 8/18/2006 $7,196,129
2002 3-02-0016-071-2002 ST TE IM Modify Terminal Building 9/17/2002 4/22/2005 $735,655
2002 3-02-0016-064-2002 EN HO 65 Noise Mitigation Measures for Residences within 65-69 DNL 6/17/2002 8/11/2006 $2,572,413
2002 3-02-0016-066-2002 EN LA 65 Acquire Land for Noise Compatibility within 65 - 69 DNL 7/16/2002 2/21/2006 $795,095
2002 3-02-0016-063-2002 CA AP CO Construct Apron 6/24/2002 9/6/2006 $5,018,750
2002 3-02-0016-068-2002 ST BD SN Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building Sand & Chemical Storage 8/1/2002 8/11/2006 $2,600,000
2002 3-02-0016-070-2002 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway 9/10/2002 1/24/2006 $7,152,643
2001 3-02-0016-062-2001 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway 9/25/2001 8/26/2005 $16,477,620
2001 3-02-0016-061-2001 EN OT MS Noise Mitigation Measures 6/11/2001 8/25/2005 $2,598,500
2001 3-02-0016-060-2001 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/12/2001 7/14/2005 $3,885,332
2001 3-02-0016-059-2001 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 4/26/2001 9/9/2005 $5,018,750
2000 3-02-0016-054-2000 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 9/15/2000 8/3/2004 $1,285,239
2000 3-02-0016-058-2000 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/15/2000 8/30/2004 $3,533,126
2000 3-02-0016-057-2000 RE RW LI Rehabilitate Runway Lighting 14/32 9/15/2000 8/27/2004 $2,463,715
2000 3-02-0016-055-2000 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 9/7/2000 9/9/2003 $4,950,000
2000 3-02-0016-056-2000 EN OT NO Install Outdoor Noise Monitoring System/Equipment 9/14/2000 8/10/2005 $1,242,000
2000 3-02-0016-058-2000 SA RW SF Improve Runway Safety Area 9/15/2000 8/30/2004 $550,000
1999 3-02-0016-047-1999 SA RW SF Improve Runway Safety Area 6L-24R 3/25/1999 9/8/2003 $1,577,011
1999 3-02-0016-050-1999 ST AP IM Expand Apron 7/16/1999 9/26/2002 $436,222
1999 3-02-0016-052-1999 PL PL MA Conduct Airport Master Plan Study 8/3/1999 9/9/2003 $468,912
1999 3-02-0016-046-1999 SA EQ SE Acquire Security Equipment 3/25/1999 9/28/2001 $995,238
1999 3-02-0016-051-1999 SA EQ SE Acquire Security Equipment 7/26/1999 9/28/2001 $1,404,762
1999 3-02-0016-049-1999 SA EQ RF Acquire Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Vehicle 7/19/1999 11/17/2006 $903,628
1999 3-02-0016-053-1999 RE RW LI Rehabilitate Runway Lighting 14-32 9/29/1999 9/8/2003 $568,615
1999 3-02-0016-045-1999 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6L-24R 3/25/1999 9/5/2003 $3,950,000
1999 3-02-0016-048-1999 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 7/16/1999 9/5/2001 $405,756
1998 3-02-0016-044-1998 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 6/23/1998 9/18/2001 $924,087
1998 3-02-0016-043-1998 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6L-24R 7/21/1998 9/26/2002 $6,288,027
1998 3-02-0016-043-1998 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6L-24R 7/21/1998 9/26/2002 $1,182,345
1998 3-02-0016-042-1998 ST TW CO Construct Taxiway 7/21/1998 9/26/2002 $680,000
1998 3-02-0016-042-1998 ST AP IM Expand Apron 7/21/1998 9/26/2002 $4,651,756
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST RW IM Extend Runway 6R/24 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $400,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST RW IM Extend Runway 6R/24 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $2,234,988
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST RW IM Extend Runway 6R/24L 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $2,055,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST RW SF Improve Runway Safety Area 6R/24 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $400,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 SP RW FR Groove Runway 6R/24L 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $250,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 SA RW LI Install Runway Lighting 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $500,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 SP RW LI Install Runway Lighting 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $1,200,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $60,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 ST RW VI Install Runway Vertical/Visual Guidance System 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $80,000
1997 3-02-0016-037-1997 ST AP IM Expand Apron 4/2/1997 9/17/2001 $1,916,195
1997 3-02-0016-041-1997 PL PL MA Conduct Airport Master Plan Study 9/29/1997 9/26/2002 $400,000
1997 3-02-0016-038-1997 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 12/17/1997 8/31/2001 $75,000
1996 3-02-0016-035-1996 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 4/8/1996 7/15/1998 $1,876,169
1996 3-02-0016-036-1996 ST TW CO Construct Taxiway 8/7/1996 4/18/2000 $1,156,000
1996 3-02-0016-036-1996 ST TW CO Construct Taxiway 8/7/1996 4/18/2000 $1,271,504
1996 3-02-0016-036-1996 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 8/7/1996 4/18/2000 $175,000
1996 3-02-0016-036-1996 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 8/7/1996 4/18/2000 $675,000
1996 3-02-0016-039-1996 ST TE IM Improve Terminal Building 9/20/1996 9/23/1998 $159,361
1996 3-02-0016-040-1996 ST TW IM Extend Taxiway 7/9/1996 8/29/2000 $282,741
1996 3-02-0016-036-1996 ST RW SF Improve Runway Safety Area 6L 8/7/1996 4/18/2000 $1,104,500
1995 3-02-0016-033-1995 ST RW IM Extend Runway 14/32 8/3/1995 7/19/2000 $3,658,345
1995 3-02-0016-033-1995 ST RW IM Extend Runway 14/32 8/3/1995 7/19/2000 $787,689
1995 3-02-0016-033-1995 SA RW LI Install Runway Lighting 8/3/1995 7/19/2000 $210,000
1995 3-02-0016-033-1995 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 8/3/1995 7/19/2000 $190,000
1995 3-02-0016-033-1995 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway 8/3/1995 7/19/2000 $103,150
1995 3-02-0016-032-1995 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 4/3/1995 10/24/1998 $1,669,750
1994 3-02-0016-026-1994 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 4/21/1994 9/9/1997 $1,015,647
1994 3-02-0016-031-1994 EN PL NO Conduct Noise Compatibility Plan Study 9/27/1994 4/17/2000 $387,332
1994 3-02-0016-029-1994 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 9/28/1994 1/25/2000 $506,319
1994 3-02-0016-027-1994 ST TE IM Improve Terminal Building 8/26/1994 6/7/2000 $287,062
1994 3-02-0016-028-1994 ST TE IM Improve Terminal Building 8/26/1994 6/12/2000 $858,008
1994 3-02-0016-025-1994 OT GT AC Improve Access Road 7/18/1994 9/12/2000 $1,274,820
1994 3-02-0016-030-1994 OT GT AC Improve Access Road 9/28/1994 9/12/2000 $3,062,919
1993 3-02-0016-021-1993 ST TW IM Extend Taxiway 9/10/1993 9/25/1997 $879,484
1993 3-02-0016-015-1993 ST OT IM Improve Airport Drainage 7/26/1993 6/12/2000 $256,365
1993 3-02-0016-022-1993 CA TE EX Expand Terminal Building 8/23/1993 6/3/1999 $300,629
1993 3-02-0016-023-1993 CA TE EX Expand Terminal Building 9/23/1993 9/24/1998 $2,615,832
1993 3-02-0016-020-1993 SA OT SG Install Airfield Guidance Signs 9/16/1993 12/6/1994 $124,797
1993 3-02-0016-024-1993 ST EQ SN Acquire Snow Removal Equipment 9/29/1993 4/5/2000 $275,681
1993 3-02-0016-019-1993 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 6/28/1993 9/26/1996 $2,273,905
1993 3-02-0016-021-1993 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/10/1993 9/25/1997 $1,107,087
1992 3-02-0016-014-1992 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/29/1992 12/20/1994 $2,312,974
1992 3-02-0016-016-1992 PL PL MA Conduct Airport Master Plan Study 9/23/1992 1/25/2000 $449,827
1992 3-02-0016-014-1992 ST RW IM Extend Runway 06/24 9/29/1992 12/20/1994 $257,255
1992 3-02-0016-017-1992 ST BD SN Improve Snow Removal Equipment Building 9/29/1992 10/24/1998 $225,000
1992 3-02-0016-017-1992 OT GT AC Improve Access Road 9/29/1992 10/24/1998 $5,180,661
1992 3-02-0016-018-1992 OT GT AC Improve Access Road 7/29/1992 5/12/2000 $831,259
1991 3-02-0016-012-1991 ST TW IM Extend Taxiway 7/15/1991 2/10/1994 $1,519,364
1991 3-02-0016-012-1991 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 7/15/1991 2/10/1994 $36,204
1991 3-02-0016-013-1991 SA EQ SE Acquire Security Equipment 9/5/1991 8/23/2000 $879,085
1991 3-02-0016-011-1991 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 7/15/1991 9/10/1993 $1,643,252
1991 3-02-0016-011-1991 RE TW LI Rehabilitate Taxiway Lighting 7/15/1991 9/10/1993 $65,919
1990 3-02-0016-008-1990 RE TW LI Rehabilitate Taxiway Lighting 9/5/1990 10/13/1992 $213,563
1990 3-02-0016-010-1990 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6/24 8/31/1990 7/23/1992 $1,253,265
1990 3-02-0016-008-1990 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/5/1990 10/13/1992 $1,900,523
1990 3-02-0016-010-1990 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 8/31/1990 7/23/1992 $40,881
1990 3-02-0016-009-1990 CA AP CO Construct Apron 7/3/1990 9/15/1994 $3,602,706
1990 3-02-0016-009-1990 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 7/3/1990 9/15/1994 $133,557
1989 3-02-0016-006-1989 SA BD EX Improve Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting Building 8/21/1989 9/28/1995 $5,743,694
1989 3-02-0016-007-1989 CA TW CO Construct Taxiway 9/20/1989 12/16/1992 $2,588,471
1989 3-02-0016-007-1989 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 9/20/1989 12/16/1992 $982,600
1988 3-02-0016-005-1988 RE TW IM Rehabilitate Taxiway 6/30/1988 1/30/1991 $159,317
1988 3-02-0016-005-1988 RE RW IM Rehabilitate Runway 6/24 6/30/1988 1/30/1991 $1,485,064
1987 3-02-0016-004-1987 ST BD SN Improve Snow Removal Equipment Building 9/16/1987 11/5/1991 $207,022
1987 3-02-0016-004-1987 SP RW LI Install Runway Lighting 14/32 9/16/1987 11/5/1991 $581,052
1987 3-02-0016-004-1987 ST AP LI Install Apron Lighting 14/32 9/16/1987 11/5/1991 $665,119
1986 3-02-0016-003-1986 RE AP IM Rehabilitate Apron 7/30/1986 1/12/1988 $1,935,435
1985 3-02-0016-002-1985 EN PL NO Conduct Noise Compatibility Plan Study 9/6/1985 10/13/1992 $315,274
1984 3-02-0016-001-1984 CA AP CO Construct Apron 9/21/1984 11/10/1988 $2,916,069