Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
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Alaska Aviation System Plan


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This section depicts airport information that exists in the DOT&PF eDocs database and shares all files containing an airport Location ID (LOC). To update titles, dates, duplications and or type of document, please access eDocs through the DOT&PF Employee Intranet page. To add new documents into eDocs from this page, fill out all required information at the bottom.
TitleDate IssuedCategorySub Category
6-02-0016-11 ANC Taxiway Construction and Surfacing As-Built 8/17/1979 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-08 ANC Fencing As-Built 2/22/1971 Construction As Builts
57565 ANC South Airpark Taxiway As-Built 12/11/2008 Construction As Builts
CFAPT00637 ANC TAXIWAYS M, L, E AND E2 SURFACE SEAL Supplemental Files Construction
SA 485-62 ANC Terminal Access and Parking Facilities 1-69 Construction As Builts
ANC Auto Parking Facility As-Built 2/22/1974 Construction As Builts
54483 and 56832 ANC Concourse C Apron As-Built 7/17/2006 Construction As Builts
53299-ANC-Terminal Ramp Reconstruction As Builts Construction As Builts
60178 ANC Taxiway Interlinks Reconstruction Phase II As-Built 2/28/1996 Construction As Builts
00637 ANC Taxiways M L E and E2 Surface Seal Asbuilts 4/11/2023 Construction As Builts
ANC Road, Water and Sanitary Sewer Expansion Construction As Builts
54975-ANC-East Airpark Drainage Improvements As Builts Construction As Builts
58336 ANC Runway 6R/24L Blast Protection Reconstruction Re-Bid As-Built 2/5/1992 Construction As Builts
53005 and 53768 ANC RW 6L/24R Reconstruction Phase II and Blast Protection Stage I As-Built 5/28/2002 Construction As Builts
D60361 ANC Taxiway E-3 Repair As-Built 8/6/1982 Construction As Builts
485-61-70 AIA Extension of RW 13-31 As-Builts 10/1/1970 Construction As Builts
53768 and 53005 AIA RW 6L-24R Reconstruction Phase II and Blast Protection Stage I As-Builts 12/1/2000 Construction As Builts
00724 ANC Surface Seal TL U P and TW R North Asbuilts 4/18/2030 Construction As Builts
51559-ANC-Gate N8 Pavement Replacement As Builts Construction As Builts
6-02-0016-09 ANC West Terminal Apron Reconstruction As-Built 6/12/1979 Construction As Builts
55336 ANC Gates N4 and N6 Reconstruction As-Built 4/2/2009 Construction As Builts
56224 ANC Concourse A Apron Reconstruction As-Built 3/10/2015 Construction As Builts
58540-52410 TSAIA Rnwy 7R-25L Rehab and Drainage and Embankment AS-AWARDED plans Construction As Awarded Plans
53689 ANC North Terminal Gate N2 Reconstruction As-Built 9/15/2003 Construction As Builts
55336-ANC-Gates N4 and N6 Reconstrution As Builts Construction As Builts
51600 ANC Gate B-8/9 Aircraft Parking As-Built 3/1/1996 Construction As Builts
53689 ANC North Terminal Gate N2 Reconstruction As-Built 9/15/2003 Construction As Builts
58591-58691-ANC-Remote Refuling Apron Ph II Taxiway U Recon As Builts Construction As Builts
ANC Hydrant Fueling System As-Built 3/1/2013 Construction As Builts
59367 ANC RON Parking 7-11 Signed As Builts Construction As Builts
59049 AIA 15 33 Rehab Asbuilt Revised 4/13/2031 Construction As Builts
58987 ANC North Tug Road Extension As-Built 4/15/1993 Construction As Builts
D60244 ANC Auto Parking Control Facility As-Built 4/18/1983 Construction As Builts
485-3-70 ANC General Aviation Landing Strip As-Built 1/12/1972 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-04 ANC Additions Drainage System As-Built 2/1/2062 Construction As Builts
56604 ANC North Employee Parking Lot Construction As-Built 4/1/1988 Construction As Builts
51634-51365-ANC-Runway 14-32 Overlay and Grooving-Runway 32 Extension Construction As Builts
00759 ANC Runway 7R-25L Lighting Rehabilitation Asbuilts 6/13/2023 Construction As Builts
52886 ANC Taxiway V and Postmark Dr Signs with Flashing Lights Construction As Builts
485-615 ANC North Parking Apron Extension As-Built 1/1/1972 Construction As Builts
59367 ANC Ron Parking, 7-11 As-Built 1/26/2012 Construction As Builts
53689-ANC-North Terminal Gate N2 Reconstruction As Builts Construction As Builts
56749 ANC Ramp Reconstruction As-Built 5/22/1989 Construction As Builts
D60462 ANC Remote Fueling Apron As-Built 3/18/1988 Construction As Builts
D60244 AIA Auto Parking Lot Reconstruction As-Builts 8/26/1983 Construction As Builts
Z57606 AIA Taxiway R T Asbuilt 6/7/2021 Construction As Builts
00199 ANC Misc Repairs Fuel Facility As-built 5/11/2021 Construction As Builts
485-74-2-72 ANC Terminal Parking Lot Water Main Construction As-Built 10/30/1972 Construction As Builts
ANC 6L/24R Slurry Seal Coat Project As-Built 8/5/1972 Construction As Builts
D60502 ANC Runway 14/32 Overlay and Grooving As-Built 9/3/1985 Construction As Builts
55252-55799-ANC-Runway 14-32 Rehab-Taxiway W,S,T, and U Interlinks As Builts Construction As Builts
9-50-006-02 and 03 ANC Additions Construction As Builts
00070 ANC Taxiway R Group VI Improvements Asbuilts 8/9/2021 Construction As Builts
54154 ANC Kilo Tug Road Upgrade As-Built 1/14/2005 Construction As Builts
D60452 ANC North Airpark Storm Drain System As-Built 8/23/1988 Construction As Builts
00205 ANC Security Fencing Improvements 2017 Asbuilts 4/11/2024 Construction As Builts
54073 and 54410 ANC Taxiway LMUR Upgrades, Repairs and Taxiway R Duct Bank As-Built Construction
53598 AIA Runway 7L 25R Rehabilitation Construction As Awarded Specs
53768-ANC- 6L-24R Reconstruction Ph II-Blast Protection As Builts Construction As Builts
53924-53614-NH-0538(6) ANC Terminal Expansion Landside Civil Improvements Phase I As-Builts 8/14/2003 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-01 ANC Small Aircraft Parking Apron and Taxiway Construction As Builts
53396 ANC Snow Disposal Site As-Built 3/3/2003 Construction As Builts
56605 ANC West General Aviation Parking As-Built 9/22/1988 Construction As Builts
8-02-0016-01 ANC East-West Taxiway Reconstruction and Related Improvements As-Built 4/9/1974 Construction As Builts
52183-ANC-Runway 6L Safety Area Extension As Builts Construction As Builts
Z590490000 EDR AIA RW15_33 Rehabilitation Design Design Study
00675 Taxilane E1 E3 and E-G Intersection Asbuilts 8/20/2024 Construction As Builts
6-02-0016-10 ANC Runway 6R/24: Erosion Control and Misc Improvements As-Built 12/1/1978 Construction As Builts
52365 and 52412 ANC East Airpark Drainage Extension and Postmark Dr Storm Drain Repair AS-Built Plans Construction As Builts
00588 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 2 Asbuilts 4/11/2027 Construction As Builts
50983 ANC Gate B-7 Aircraft Parking As-Built 3/1/1995 Construction As Builts
58540 AIA RUNWAY 7R/25L REHABILITATION, PH 1 As Builts Construction As Builts
8-02-0016-04 ANC North Apron Expansion, Taxiway, Service Road, Paving and Lighting As-Built 8/13/1976 Construction As Builts
58681 ANC South Airpark Roadway and Sanitary Sewer Extension Construction As Builts
00498 ANC TWK REPAVE AND LIGHTING ASBUILTS 10/28/2024 Construction As Builts
SA 485-39-1 AIA Sewage Lift Station As-Builts 12/6/2068 Construction As Builts
51365 ANC Runway 32 Extension As-Built 6/8/1997 Construction As Builts
51559 ANC Gate N8 Pavement Replacement As-Built 10/10/2011 Construction As Builts
57997 ANC Ramp Reconstruction Phase III As-Built 2/25/1991 Construction As Builts
60176 ANC Taxiway Romeo Extension As-Built 9/9/1994 Construction As Builts
59230 AIA Runway 25R East RSA Drainage Improvements Asbuilts 8/23/2023 Construction As Builts
57348 AIA Postmark Storm Drain Outfall Repairs 3/27/2018 Construction As Builts
00371 N10 Tug Road Asbuilts 5/19/2023 Construction As Builts
54340-ANC-RON Parking As Builts Construction As Builts
ANC Aircraft Refueling System As-Built 12/1/1985 Construction As Builts
58691 and 58591 TSAIA Remote Refueling Apron and Taxiway U Reconstrction Construction As Awarded Plans
ANC Remote 3 Fueling Apron As-Built 12/1/1999 Construction As Builts
00496 - RON 12-14 Joint Repair As-built 5/13/2024 Construction As Builts
52405-53201 TSAIA Rnwy 7R-25L Rehab Phase II and Extension Construction As Awarded Plans
52415 AIA Runway 6R-24L Reconstruction 1997 As Builts Construction As Builts
6-02-0016-08 ANC North-South Runway Construction Phase II As-Built 8/10/1985 Construction As Builts
79-485-01 ANC South Air Park Sewer Extension As-Built 8/20/1979 Construction As Builts
D60244 AIA Auto Parking Control Facility As-Builts 5/16/1982 Construction As Builts
53291 ANC Temporary Parking As-Built 8/31/1986 Construction As Builts
57721 ANC Runway 7R/25L Concrete Keel Mock-up Testing As-Built 5/26/2016 Construction As Builts
58474 ANC Taxiways I and R Repaving Construction As Builts
9-50-006-01 ANC Additions As-Built 11/1/2061 Construction As Builts
50748 and 57719 ANC Taxiway N Overlay and Internal Rd Improvement Construction As Builts
00595 Postmark Repairs 2020 As-builts 8/31/2023 Construction As Builts
57726 ANC North Airpark Tug Road As-Built 8/23/1990 Construction As Builts
51095_TSAIA RON Parking_12-14 Reconstruction As Builts Construction As Builts
57040-ANC-B Concourse N Taxilane Rehab As Builts Construction As Builts
58842 ANC Material Haul from Soil Storage Area As-Built 3/6/1995 Construction As Builts
51149-ANC Taxiway E and RON 2 Reconstruction Construction As Builts
00393 ANC Gate N10 Access Control Improvements As-Builts 11/30/2022 Construction As Builts
57533 ANC Taxiway K Reconstruction As-Built 1/23/2008 Construction As Builts
54187 ANC Postmark Drive and Taxiway V Intersection Upgrades As-Built 8/14/2003 Construction As Builts
51477 AIA Sikorsky Avenue Paving Construction Plans 6/9/1995 Construction As Builts
52428 ANC Runway 6L/24R Reconstruction As-Built 4/17/2000 Construction As Builts
D60552 ANC East-West Taxiway Blast Protection As-Built 1/26/1987 Construction As Builts
Z57590 AIA Taxiway R T Asbuilt 6/7/2021 Construction As Builts
54340 ANC RON Parking Hardstand As-Built 2/9/2005 Construction As Builts
80-485-01 ANC East-West Taxiway Slurry Seal Coat and Crack Repair As-Built 10/20/1980 Construction As Builts
59985 ANC Access Road Ramp Rehabilitation Project As-Built 6/1/1996 Construction As Builts
57877 and 57415 ANC TW K Reconstruction As-Built 1/10/2008 Construction As Builts
54975 ANC East Airpark Drainage Improvements As-Built 1/9/2007 Construction As Builts
485-76-02 ANC Road Construction and Misc Renovations Construction As Builts
00589 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 2 Asbuilts 4/11/2028 Construction As Builts
59985 AIA Access Road Ramp Rehabilitation Project 3-96 As Builts Construction As Builts
ANC Airport Development Project As-Built 8/3/1972 Construction As Builts
CSAPT00596 ANC RON 7 AND 8 JOINT REPAIRS Supplemental Files Construction
52428-ANC-Runway 6L-24R Reconstruction As Builts Construction As Builts
79-485-04 ANC Satellite Terminal Auto Parking As-Built 12/15/1982 Construction As Builts
54028 ANC Taxiways M,L and Taxilane E2 Reconstruction Construction As Builts
SA 69-340-1 AIA RW 6-24 Pavement Marking As-Builts 5/22/1969 Construction As Builts
6-02-0016-08 ANC Satellite Terminal Apron As-Built 4/2/1985 Construction As Builts
00174 ANC Taxiway V As-built 8/16/2021 Construction As Builts
56547 AIA Terminal Expansion Landside Civil Improvements Phase III Construction As Builts
51149 AIA Taxiway E Construction As Awarded Plans
6-02-0016-12 ANC East-West Taxiway Rehabilitation and Miscellaneous Improvements As-Built 11/8/1984 Construction As Builts
78-485-03 ANC Auto Parking Expansion As-Built 10/5/1979 Construction As Builts
57565B ANC South Airpark Preliminary Site Preparation As-Built 12/11/2008 Construction As Builts
52415 ANC Runway 6R/24L Reconstruction As-Built 5/23/2004 Construction As Builts
ANC lease lots
52760 ANC Lake Hood Sewer and Water Phase II Construction As Builts
57872 ANC Taxiway K Reconstruction, Taxiway C to A As-Built 8/12/2009 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-11 and 12 ANC 6R-24L Runway Phase III Construction As Builts
59120 ANC B Gates Reconstruction Asbuilt 4/23/2021 Construction As Builts
D60001 ANC North Air Park Addition As-Built 1/21/1987 Construction As Builts
56580 ANC Taxiway R Rehabilitation As-Built 7/30/2007 Construction As Builts
54483-56832-ANC-Concourse C Apron As Builts Construction As Builts
ANC South Airpark Development Sewer Line As-Built 12/19/1978 Construction As Builts
58849 ANC Taxiway T Extension As-Built 2/18/1993 Construction As Builts
56610 ANC North Terminal South Taxilane As-Built 8/24/2006 Construction As Builts
56834 ANC South Service Road Reconstruction As-Built 4/24/1989 Construction As Builts
8-02-0016-03 ANC Fencing As-Built 1/7/1974 Construction As Builts
D60542 ANC Taxiway Signing As-Built 8/21/1986 Construction As Builts
52365 Construction As Awarded Specs
57116 ANC Ramp Reconstruction Phase II As-Built 8/1/1989 Construction As Builts
58525 ANC Postmark Drive Reconstruction As-Built 3/22/1996 Construction As Builts
52368 ANC Aircraft Terminal Ramp Reconstruction B4 and B6 1997 Construction As Builts
57704 ANC Taxiway K Reconstruction Re-Bid As-Built 7/8/1992 Construction As Builts
00534 00536 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs FEMA As-built 6/22/2022 Construction As Builts
51559 TSAIA ANC Gate N8 AS-AWARDED Plans Construction As Awarded Plans
SA 485-47 ANC Terminal Access and Parking Facilities Construction As Builts
52195 ANC Aircraft Terminal Ramp Reconstruction Gates B-10 and B-11 Construction As Builts
52757 ANC Remote Fueling Apron Expansion As-Built 12/7/1999 Construction As Builts
ANC Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan 1967 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-08 ANC 6R/24L Runway Phase I As-Built 4/7/1969 Construction As Builts
52226 AIA RW 32 Queing Taxiway Construction Plans 6/18/1996 Construction As Builts
6-02-0016-08 ANC Runway 6R/24L Porous Friction Course As-Built 5/19/1982 Construction As Builts
00415 ANC Taxiway F Reconstruction Asbuilts 9/3/2021 Construction As Builts
ANC Taxiway F Reconstruction CFAPT00173 12/17/2018 Design
00131 ANC TWY RECON AS-BUILT 4/5/2021 Construction As builts
51634-51365-ANC-Runway 14-32 Overlay and Grooving-Runway 32 Extension As Builts Construction As Builts
56752 ANC Centerline Lighting As-Built 8/1/1989 Construction As Builts
57286-ANC-High Speed Taxiway D and Taxiway G Realignment Construction As Builts
D60244 ANC Auto Parking Lot Reconstruction As-Built 8/26/1983 Construction As Builts
57040 ANC B Concourse North Taxiland Rehabilitation As-Built 8/17/2006 Construction As Builts
52405 and 53201 ANC RW 7R/25L Extension and Rehab Phase II As-Built 9/26/2014 Construction As Builts
56224 ANC Concourse A Apron Reconstruction Construction Conformed Specs
55252-55799-ANC-Runway 14-32 Rehab-Taxiway W,S,T, and U Interlinks Construction As Builts
D60381 ANC South Airpark Sewer As-Built 10/29/1984 Construction As Builts
00533 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 2 Asbuilts 4/11/2026 Construction As Builts
51559 TSAIA ANC Gate N8 AS-AWARDED Spec Construction As Awarded Specs
ANC Service Road Connection to Northern Lights Blvd As-Built 4/24/1969 Construction As Builts
00618 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 3 Asbuilts 5/11/2021 Construction As Builts
D60391 ANC North Air Park As-Built 8/13/1986 Construction As Builts
54807 ANC Taxiway E, F, and J Reconstruction As-Built 10/4/2004 Construction As Builts
51095 ANC RON Parking, 12-14 Reconstruction As-Built 8/30/2013 Construction As Builts
00642 ANC Terminal Loop Road Improvements Asbuilts 5/10/2024 Construction As Builts
53680-ANC-Remote Refueling Apron Ph I As Builts Construction As Builts
57289 and 57283 ANC 6R-24L Overlay and Grooving and Taxiway J Blast Protection Construction As Builts
56138 ANC West Apron Reconstruction As-Built 5/11/1987 Construction As Builts
30465 ANC Taxiway Z West Improvements Design Study Design Design Study
59498 ANC Taxiway Interlinks Reconstruction As-Built 3/8/1994 Construction As Builts
9-50-006-09 ANC North Parking Apron Extension As-Built 12/16/2068 Construction As Builts
485-71-1-72 ANC Auto Ramp Drainage and Expansion Joint Repair Construction As Builts
54637 ANC N/S Taxiway Construction Phase I As-Built 11/8/2004 Construction As Builts
00915 ANC Runway 7R25L Joint Repair As-built 4/1/2024 Construction As Builts
53299 ANC Terminal Ramp Reconstruction As-Built 11/28/2000 Construction As Builts
55436 ANC N/S Taxiway Construction Phase II As-Built 7/26/2005 Construction As Builts
76-485-03 ANC Sanitary Sewer System As-Built 2/10/1978 Construction As Builts
53680 ANC Remote Refueling Apron As-Built 8/17/2009 Construction As Builts
53598 AIA Runway 7L 25R Rehabilitation Construction As Awarded Plans
54028 ANC Taxiway M,L Construction As Awarded Plans
485-1-71 ANC Tug Road Surfacing As-Built 2/1/1972 Construction As Builts
57701 ANC Alpha General Aviation Parking As-Built 11/27/1991 Construction As Builts
00596 RON 3 7 8 Joint Repair As-built 11/18/2024 Construction As Builts
58658 ANC Soil Storage Area As-Built 1/10/1998 Construction As Builts
59649 ANC Taxiway K Safety Area Widening As-Built 2/22/1996 Construction As Builts
52405-53201 ANC Runway 7R - Phase II As Builts Construction As Builts
52183, 51906, 52185 ANC RW 6L Safety Area, North Tug Road, and Taxiway E and R Centerline Lighting As-Built 12/8/1999 Construction As Builts
485-39-2 ANC Sanitary Sewer System Expansion Phase I As-Built 6/6/1972 Construction As Builts
59209 and 57668 ANC TW K Reconstruction As-Built 11/8/2011 Construction As Builts
TSAIA (ANC) Airport Pavement Condition Report 9/1/2011 Planning Airport Pavement Condition
8-02-0016-04 ANC Erosion Repair and Control and Service Road Extension Construction As Builts
00532 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 2 Asbuilts 4/11/2025 Construction As Builts
57295 ANC Fire Pit As-Built 8/23/1990 Construction As Builts
00591 ANC 2018 Earthquake Damage Repairs Group 2 Asbuilts 4/11/2029 Construction As Builts
00197 ANC Taxilane S Improvements As-built 02_12_2024 2/12/2024 Construction As Builts
CSAPT00198 ANC Postmark Drive Repairs Asbuilt 8/3/2019 Planning As-built
59049 - AIA 15-33 Rehab As-built 6/13/2022 Construction As Builts
55731 ANC Taxiway Y and K Safety Area Widening AS-Built Plan Construction As Builts
54154-ANC-Kilo Tug Road Upgrade As Builts Construction As Builts
9-50-006-02 ANC North Parking Apron As-Built 4/1/2063 Construction As Builts
57758 ANC Transient Apron and Rockwell Ave Paving Construction As Builts
00173 ANC Taxiway F Reconstruction Asbuilts 9/3/2021 Construction As Builts
00391 ANC Parking and Access Upgrades AsBuilt 5/17/2023 Construction As Builts