Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Expand Terminal Apron
Common Name: Expand Terminal Apron
Funding Source:
Work Code:
Location Type:
Estimated Cost: $1,500,000
Description: Expand the shore side of the terminal apron, as per the 2023 Airport Master Plan Update
Priority: Short
Need Origination: FAA Initiatives
Justification: AC 150/5300-13B has certain apron design requirements for the critical aircraft, ADG-III and we do not meet those. At times, ramp congestion creates a safety hazard of wing tip or other aircraft collisions.
Notes: ST AP IM
Last Edit Date: 2/15/2024 12:09 PM
History Log
Paul Khera
Need Created
2/15/2024 12:09 PM
Paul Khera
In Project
2/15/2024 12:13 PM
Rebecca Douglas
Programmed Need
9/12/2024 08:57 PM