Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Improve RSA
Common Name: Improve RSA
Funding Source:
Work Code:
Location Type:
Estimated Cost: $5,500,000
Description: Expand the lateral runway safety area to the extent possible.
Priority: Short
Need Origination: FAA Initiatives
Justification: We have a practicability study to justify a less than standard RSA width and the FAA did say to add RSA where we can. This can be done as part of the runway enbankment erosion control project.
Last Edit Date: 2/15/2024 12:00 PM
History Log
Paul Khera
Need Created
11/21/2023 08:46 AM
Paul Khera
In Project
11/21/2023 10:22 AM
Paul Khera
Need Created
2/15/2024 11:56 AM
Removed from project.
Paul Khera
In Project
2/15/2024 12:13 PM
Rebecca Douglas
Programmed Need
9/12/2024 08:57 PM