Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Full Perimeter Fence with Buried Skirt
Common Name: Full Perimeter Fence with Buried Skirt
Funding Source:
Sub Category:
Estimated Cost: $12,736,841
Description: Remove the existing fence mesh and replace with new. Extend the fence for the full perimeter of the airport. Use the existing mesh for a buried skirt that will follow the entire fence line
Priority: ASAP
Need Origination: Letter of Compliance
Justification: We have bears and other large wildlife on the runway that will cause an accident. Animals are tunneling under the existing sections of fence. We also have a letter of compliance because the FAA Inspector witnessed bears on the runway.
Notes: ST OT MS
Last Edit Date: 4/29/2024 07:47 AM
History Log
Paul Khera
Need Created
9/27/2022 10:17 AM
Paul Khera
In Project
9/27/2022 11:09 AM