Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)
Common Name: Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)
Funding Source:
Work Code:
Location Type:
Estimated Cost: $75,000
Description: RTK GNSS technology provides centimeter level accurate positioning and heading control needed for aiding airport survey operations and deploying autonomous airfield maintenance systems including snow plows, graders and UAS.
Priority: Short
Need Origination: Sponsor
Justification: This is a statewide reference network that provides geodetic control on the ground, real time data conditions and significantly decreases ground survey time. System can be used to monitor quake activity, weather changes or ground/permafrost shifting.
Notes: Willing to receive partial project funding, if full amount is not available
Last Edit Date: 3/24/2022 09:42 AM
History Log
Ryan Marlow
Need Imported
3/24/2022 01:42 PM
Need Imported Successfully