Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan


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This area contains documents that are not generated by DOT&PF and automatically loaded into the eDocs database. This includes documents produced by local sponsor airports, consultants, cities, boroughs, and other agencies. To add a relevant airport document, go to the bottom of the page.
DOT&PF eDocs
This section depicts airport information that exists in the DOT&PF eDocs database and shares all files containing an airport Location ID (LOC). To update titles, dates, duplications and or type of document, please access eDocs through the DOT&PF Employee Intranet page. To add new documents into eDocs from this page, fill out all required information at the bottom.
TitleDate IssuedCategorySub Category
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2009-9-28 9/28/2009 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
Engineering Geology and Soils Report Koyuk Airport Geotechnical Geology
Engineering Geology and Soils Report Koyuk Airport Geotechnical Geology
Non-Directional Beacon Site Survey Koyuk Geotechnical
Engineering Geo & Soils Rpt Koyuk Airport Improvements Geotechnical
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2015-07-14 TERPS 12/1/2015 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2011-9-1 9/1/2011 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
Koyuk Airport Improvements Geotechnical
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2015-07-14 Ext 12/1/2015 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
Koyuk Gravel Source Road Geotechnical
Engineering Geology and Soils Report Koyuk Airport Improvements Geotechnical Geology
Koyuk Airport Improvements Design Design Study
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2021-07-13 7/13/2021 Planning 5010 Report
Koyuk Environmental Assessment Environmental Environmental Assessment
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2005-8-12 8/12/2005 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
Koyuk Alfred Adams (KKA) Airport Layout Plan 1994 Planning ALP
Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA 5010 Inspection Report 2017-07-21 7/21/2017 Planning 5010 Inspection
Engineering Geology and Soils Report Koyuk Airport Geotechnical Geology
Koyuk (KKA) Airport Layout Plan 1989 8/30/1989 Planning ALP