Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

LAKE HOOD: Documents/Links

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TitleDate IssuedCategorySub Category
53546 Lake Hood Seaplane Base Phase II AS-BUILT As Builts Construction As Builts
7-02-0013-02 Lake Hood Airport Development As-Builts 10/22/1973 Construction As Builts
55373 Lake Hood Lakeshore TW Reconstruction North As-Builts 2/10/2009 Construction As Builts
Lake Hood (LHD) Airport Layout Plan 2008 Planning ALP
51076 lake hood General Aviation Improvements, Phase I As Builts Construction As Builts
55361-LHD-ECHO Parking Phase I As Builts Construction As Builts
54465 Lake Hood A-B Parking Rehab As-Builts 4/18/2018 Construction As Builts
Lake Hood SPB and strip LHD 5010 Inspection Report 2005-8-5 8/5/2005 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
52922-LHD-SeaPlane Base Strip Reconstruction As Builts Construction As Builts
Lake Hood Strip Z41 5010 Inspection Report 2016-10-19 12/1/2016 Planning Airport 5010 Inspection
CFAPT00103 LHD Lakeshore Taxilane Reconstruction Asbuilt 8/2/2019 Planning As-built
57175-59374-LHD-ECHO Parking Ph II-Seaplane Base Ph II As Builts Construction As Builts
00704 LHD Runway 14-32 Rehab As-builts 3/1/2023 Construction As Builts
53546 Lake Hood Seaplane Base Strip Improvements Phase II Construction As Awarded Plans
lake Hood Alaska State Troopers Aircraft Hanger Improvements Construction Conformed Specs
54973-LHD-Lakeshore Taxiway Separation As Builts Construction As Builts
50920-Lake Hood Bank Stabilization As Builts Construction As Builts
55373-LHD-Lakeshore Taxiway Reconstruction-North As Builts Construction As Builts
52597 Lake Hood Seaplane Base Lale Hood Strip Improvements Construction As Awarded Plans
50920 Lake Hood Bank Stabilization AS-AWARDED PLANS Construction As Awarded Plans
5-02-0013-03 Lake Hood NW Service Road 11/22/1978 Construction As Builts
52336 Lake Hood Strip RPZ Land Acquisition As-Builts 7/16/2015 Construction As Builts
00103 LHD Lakeshore Taxiway Reconstruction Asbuilt 5/17/2023 Construction As Builts
57175 and 59374 Lake Hood Eco Parking Phase and Lakeshore Taxiway Seperation Phase II 5/2/2008 Construction As Builts
53546 Lake Hood Seaplane Base Lake Hood Strip Improvements, Phase II Construction Conformed Specs
54146-LHD-Bank Stabilization and Lighting Replacement As Builts Construction As Builts
52597_Lake Hood Strip Improvements As Builts Construction As Builts
55361 Lake Hood Echo Parking Construction Phase I As-Builts 11/8/2006 Construction As Builts