Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

KODIAK: Airport Needs List

Base Information
NPIAS: 02-0158
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City: KODIAK
DOT&PF Region: Southcoast
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Active
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Needs Funding Source:
Need Category:
M&O Activity:
ASAP Needs Total:   Short Term Needs Total:
Mid Term Needs Total: Long Term Needs Total:
All Needs Total: Needs in Project Total:
Number of Needs: Number of Needs in Project:
Needs List
NeedsPriorityNeed OriginationFunding SourceStatusEstimated CostLast Edit DateLast Verified Date
Acquire replacement water rescue rafts Acquire replacement water rescue rafts Short Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $36,392 3/17/2021 
Kodiak De-icer Truck Kodiak De-icer Truck Short M&O AIP In Project $359,470 3/17/2021 
Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing Reconstruct Perimeter Fencing Short Inspection AIP In Project $2,505,554 8/8/2022 
Remove Obstructions Remove Obstructions ASAP M&O AIP In Project $240,571 4/25/2022 
Security Enhancements: Gates, Access Upgrades and Culvert Security Security Enhancements: Gates, Access Upgrades and Culvert Security Short Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $4,057,369 8/8/2022 
Crack Seal Crack Seal Short M&O AIP Need Created $196,875 1/23/2023 
Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Short Sponsor Stimulus Need Created $75,000 3/24/2022 
Pave access roads Pave access roads Short Other AIP Need Created $350,000 8/8/2023 
Replace Apron Edge Lights - Install Flood Lights Replace Apron Edge Lights - Install Flood Lights Short Inspection AIP Need Created $318,270 8/8/2023 
Construct Tie-Downs Construct Tie-Downs Long Community N/A Need Created 8/8/2022 
Extend Taxiway D Extend Taxiway D Short Other AIP Obligated Need $830,000 8/8/2022 
Improve Airport Drainage & Replace Drainage System Improve Airport Drainage & Replace Drainage System Short Other AIP Obligated Need $5,780,000 8/8/2022 
Install Taxiway D Lighting Install Taxiway D Lighting Short Other AIP Obligated Need $160,000 8/8/2022 
Pavement Marking & Crack Seal Pavement Marking & Crack Seal Short M&O AIP Obligated Need $345,000 1/30/2023 
Reconstruct Apron, Replace Storm Drain on the Apron & TW F Reconstruct Apron, Replace Storm Drain on the Apron & TW F Short Inspection AIP Obligated Need $11,892,689 8/8/2022 
Reconstruct Taxiway B, C, D and F Lighting Reconstruct Taxiway B, C, D and F Lighting Short M&O AIP Obligated Need $3,390,000 8/8/2022 
Reconstruct Taxiway F Reconstruct Taxiway F Short M&O AIP Obligated Need $1,670,000 8/8/2022 
Rehabilitate Taxiway B, C and D Rehabilitate Taxiway B, C and D Short M&O AIP Obligated Need $12,890,000 8/8/2022 
Equipment: ST EQ SN: Acquire Snow Removal Equipment Replace Blower (37026) Mid M&O AIP Programmed Need $1,000,000 11/26/2024 
Runway: ST RW IM: Strengthen Runway Crack Seal Mid M&O AIP Programmed Need $300,000 11/26/2024 