Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Rehabilitate Taxiway
Common Name: Rehabilitate Taxiway
Funding Source:
Sub Category:
Location Type:
Estimated Cost: $660,940
Description: This project proposes to resurface the 3,900’ gravel runway (including safety area), 356’ gravel taxiway (including safety area), and 8,333 SY gravel apron. The runway will be extended approximately 19’ and the safety areas will be improved to meet current standards. Three small slivers of land will be acquired to maintain the updated RPZ on airport property. Other improvements include lighting, markings, signs, DOT&PF-owned visual aids, drainage, dust palliative, vegetation clearing, and relocating the rotating beacon from the SREB to and independent pole.
Priority: Short
Need Origination: Other
Justification: A combination of poor drainage and aging surface material is causing soft conditions on the operational surfaces. Ponding is present on all surfaces during storm events. Resurfacing the operational areas will improve safety and reduce maintenance efforts necessary to keep the airport operational. The airport was originally constructed using metric units. Converting to US customary units results in non-standard dimensions for safety areas, runway length, and RPZs. Expanding the safety areas, runway length, and acquiring land for the RPZs will bring the airport into compliance with current standards.
Notes: 2/25/2020 CIP Datasheet
Last Edit Date: 2/26/2020 12:31 PM
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