Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: Kotlik Airport Rehab
Funding Source:
Sub Category:
Estimated Cost: $10,524,128
Description: Rehabilitate and resurface runway, taxiway, and apron. Replace airport lighting and segmented circle. Apply dust palliative. Complete SREB and EEB upgrades.
Priority: Mid
Need Origination: Other
Justification: The Kotlik runway has suffered significant wear and the SREB needs upgrading. M&O states that the airport no longer has surface course and material reclamation is not feasible. The project estimated a 9-inch lift for all airport operational surfaces. Grading the runway worsens the damage to it. The contractor has to remove large rocks from the runway at least twice per week and the community lies in a flood plain and has eroded over time. 95 to 98 percent of lighting cans are 3” to 10” above ground and many are damaged. In addition, the segmented circle is regularly flooded and the barrels are rusted and not easily visible to pilots. The SREB portion of the project will be to repair the floor, re-grade around the building to correct drainage issues, fix the air leaks around the man doors, and replace the overheard door and building electrical repairs.
Notes: For Spending Plan
Last Edit Date: 3/13/2019 02:07 PM
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