Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

Need Overview

Need Name: RSA Grading on Southside of Runway
Funding Source:
Sub Category:
Estimated Cost: $3,288,790
Description: Repair/smooth berm along RSA
Priority: N/A
Need Origination: Inspection
Justification: There is a significant berm of gravel - perhaps 18" high and several hundred feet long - at the outside edge of the safety area on the south side of the runway.
Notes: Water concentrates and flows from the asphalt runway cracks with greater force causing minor erosion of the gravel RSA surface. Surface of RSA gravel is firm enough not to rut with aircraft traffic but is soft enough that a shoe print can be stomped into it easily.
Last Edit Date: 3/22/2022 04:32 PM
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Inspection Photos