Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

BIG LAKE: Airport Needs List

Base Information
NPIAS: 02-0031
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City: BIG LAKE
DOT&PF Region: Central
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Active
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Needs Funding Source:
Need Category:
M&O Activity:
ASAP Needs Total:   Short Term Needs Total:
Mid Term Needs Total: Long Term Needs Total:
All Needs Total: Needs in Project Total:
Number of Needs: Number of Needs in Project:
Needs List
NeedsPriorityNeed OriginationFunding SourceStatusEstimated CostLast Edit DateLast Verified Date
Airfield:RC AF SG: Reconstruct Airfield Signage/Markings-General Information Mid Inspection AIP Draft Need $0 9/30/2024 
Building and Equipment:RC BE VU: Reconstruct Airport Lighting Vault-AK01232 Mid Inspection AIP Draft Need $0 9/30/2024 
Runway:CC RW IM: Rehabilitate Runway-07/25 Mid Inspection AIP Draft Need $0 9/30/2024 
Construct airport perimeter fence Construct airport perimeter fence Short ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $4,138,540 2/22/2021 
Construct new tiedown area east of existing apron Construct new tiedown area east of existing apron Mid ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $10,667,710 2/22/2021 
Construct on-airport floatplane service road Construct on-airport floatplane service road Short ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $626,240 2/22/2021 
Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building (SREB), Construct Taxiway E Construct Snow Removal Equipment Building (SREB), Construct Taxiway E Short ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $6,247,980 2/22/2021 
Construct T-hangars Construct T-hangars Mid Sponsor AIP Need Created $0 11/18/2020 
Install weather station Install weather station Short ALP/Master Plan N/A Need Created $1,264,840 2/22/2021 
Rehabilitate existing tiedown apron Rehabilitate existing tiedown apron Short ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $238,960 2/22/2021 
Reserve area for future helicopter apron and future lease lots Reserve area for future helicopter apron and future lease lots Short ALP/Master Plan N/A Need Created $0 2/22/2021 
Resurface and extend lease lot access road Resurface and extend lease lot access road Short ALP/Master Plan N/A Need Created $631,390 2/22/2021 
Runway and taxiway shift, runway lighting replacement, rotating beacon, Electrical Enclosure Building (EEB) Runway and taxiway shift, runway lighting replacement, rotating beacon, Electrical Enclosure Building (EEB) Short ALP/Master Plan AIP Need Created $11,300,130 2/22/2021 
Runway: ST RW IM: Strengthen Runway Minor Gravel Resurfacing on RW, TW, and Apron Short M&O AIP Programmed Need $450,000 8/14/2024 