Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

ANGOON - Planned: Airport Needs List

Base Information
NPIAS: - - -
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City:
DOT&PF Region: Southcoast
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Planned
Filter +/-
Needs Funding Source:
Need Category:
M&O Activity:
ASAP Needs Total:   Short Term Needs Total:
Mid Term Needs Total: Long Term Needs Total:
All Needs Total: Needs in Project Total:
Number of Needs: Number of Needs in Project:
Needs List
NeedsPriorityNeed OriginationFunding SourceStatusEstimated CostLast Edit DateLast Verified Date
Angoon Airport Development - Stage 2 (Construction) Angoon Airport Development - Stage 2 (Construction) Long Sponsor AIP In Project $20,600,000 2/17/2021 
Angoon Airport Development - Stage 1 (Design / Mitigation/ ROW Acquisition) Angoon Airport Development - Stage 1 (Design / Mitigation/ ROW Acquisition) Long Sponsor AIP In Project $20,600,000 2/17/2021 
Angoon Airport Development - Stage 3 (Construction) Angoon Airport Development - Stage 3 (Construction) Long Sponsor AIP In Project $14,420,000 2/17/2021 