Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

SAND POINT: Airport Needs List

Base Information
NPIAS: 02-0253
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City: SAND POINT
DOT&PF Region: Southcoast
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Active
Filter +/-
Needs Funding Source:
Need Category:
M&O Activity:
ASAP Needs Total:   Short Term Needs Total:
Mid Term Needs Total: Long Term Needs Total:
All Needs Total: Needs in Project Total:
Number of Needs: Number of Needs in Project:
Needs List
NeedsPriorityNeed OriginationFunding SourceStatusEstimated CostLast Edit DateLast Verified Date
Improve Erosion Control Improve Erosion Control M&O AIP In Project $2,705,873 10/2/2023 
Improve RSA Improve RSA Mid M&O AIP In Project $1,288,787 10/2/2023 
Install Emergency Generator Install Emergency Generator ASAP M&O AIP In Project $1,154,413 10/2/2023 
Install NAVAIDS Install NAVAIDS Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $420,880 10/2/2023 
Perimeter fencing repairs/replacement Perimeter fencing repairs/replacement Short FAA Initiatives AIP In Project $3,569,300 4/30/2024 
Purchase Towed Runway Broom Purchase Towed Runway Broom Short State Equipment Fleet (SEF) AIP In Project $376,619 3/23/2022 
Reconstruct Runway 14/32 Reconstruct Runway 14/32 Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $13,173,586 4/30/2024 
Reconstruct Runway Lighting Reconstruct Runway Lighting M&O AIP In Project $796,834 10/2/2023 
Rehabilitate TWY B Rehabilitate TWY B Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $4,639,628 10/2/2023 
Replace Wind Cones Replace Wind Cones Letter of Compliance AIP In Project $0 5/26/2023 
SREB Addition SREB Addition Short Other AIP Need Created $3,182,700 10/31/2019 
Construct Tie-Downs Construct Tie-Downs Long Community N/A Need Created 4/26/2022 
Construct Toilet Facilities Construct Toilet Facilities Long Community N/A Need Created 4/26/2022 
Acquire Loader Acquire Loader Short Other AIP Obligated Need $431,250 1/22/2023 
Paint Markings Paint Markings Short M&O AIP Obligated Need $90,000 1/23/2023 