Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
a component of the
Alaska Aviation System Plan

MC GRATH: Airport Needs List

Base Information
NPIAS: 02-0176
Airport Use: Public
Type: Airport
FAA Associated City: MC GRATH
DOT&PF Region: Central
DOT Owned: True
Facility Status: Active
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Needs Funding Source:
Need Category:
M&O Activity:
ASAP Needs Total:   Short Term Needs Total:
Mid Term Needs Total: Long Term Needs Total:
All Needs Total: Needs in Project Total:
Number of Needs: Number of Needs in Project:
Needs List
NeedsPriorityNeed OriginationFunding SourceStatusEstimated CostLast Edit DateLast Verified Date
Construct Access Road Construct Access Road ASAP Other AIP In Project $322,513 3/2/2020 
Construct SREB Construct SREB Short Other AIP In Project $7,638,480 3/3/2020 
Crack Seal & Pavement Markings (2026) Crack Seal & Pavement Markings (2026) Mid M&O AIP In Project $220,000 3/3/2023 
Erosion Control Erosion Control Short Inspection AIP In Project $21,722,319 11/15/2017 
Improve Airfield Erosion Control Improve Airfield Erosion Control ASAP Other AIP In Project $8,299,420 3/2/2020 
Install Fencing Install Fencing ASAP Other AIP In Project $736,264 3/2/2020 
Install NAVAIDs Install NAVAIDs ASAP Other AIP In Project $419,055 3/2/2020 
Install wind cone and segmented circle Install wind cone and segmented circle N/A Other AIP In Project $0 3/2/2020 
Minor Gravel Resurfacing / Dust Palliative Minor Gravel Resurfacing / Dust Palliative Short M&O AIP In Project $332,000 3/23/2022 
Pavement Markings Pavement Markings Short Other AIP In Project $59,701 3/2/2020 
Pavement Rehabilitation Pavement Rehabilitation Short Other AIP In Project $26,482,185 3/13/2019 
Reconstruct Airfield Guidance Signs Reconstruct Airfield Guidance Signs ASAP Other AIP In Project $222,789 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Apron Reconstruct Apron ASAP Other AIP In Project $2,245,925 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Runway Reconstruct Runway ASAP Other AIP In Project $11,103,379 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Runway Lighting Reconstruct Runway Lighting ASAP Other AIP In Project $977,088 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Runway, Taxiway, and Apron Pavement Reconstruct Runway, Taxiway, and Apron Pavement Short Inspection AIP In Project $0 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Taxiway Reconstruct Taxiway ASAP Other AIP In Project $5,735,225 3/2/2020 
Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting Reconstruct Taxiway Lighting ASAP Other AIP In Project $535,754 3/2/2020 
Rehabilitate Runway 16/34 Lighting Rehabilitate Runway 16/34 Lighting Short Other N/A In Project $59,701 6/21/2016 
Update master plan Update master plan Mid Sponsor AIP In Project $772,500 5/5/2021 
Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Install Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) Short Sponsor Stimulus Need Created $75,000 3/24/2022 
Construct Tie-Downs Construct Tie-Downs Long Community N/A Need Created 7/28/2022 
Construct Toilet Facilities Construct Toilet Facilities Long Community N/A Need Created 7/28/2022 